
Blog by Margaret Sorensen, owner of TABLELAND PRESS, LLC.

Know that the LORD, He is God; It is He who has made us, and not we ourselves; We are His people and the sheep of His pasture.
— Psalm 100:3

Old West Adventures That Will Draw You Closer to God

I would like to introduce you to a fiction series set in the American frontier in the mid 1800s. Published by Covenant Books, each book in the series has the title A Father’s Love, and the books are distinguished from one another by a different subtitle. The author, Jean Defreese Moore, is a talented painter, and her artwork is on the covers of her books. The first book introduces the reader to Travis, a strong man both physically and spiritually. His close relationship with God sustains him through many trials and troubles.

There are four books in the series. The first book was published in December 2020, the second in June 2021, and the third in February 2022. The fourth book was published in July 2022.

The best way to tell you about these books is with the Amazon reviews that I wrote.

Book 1 – A Father’s Love: Faith and Family

This story opens shortly before the American Civil War. Travis lives in the mountains of West Virginia with his wife, two sons, and a daughter. He is a strong and tough man who has a close walk with God. He prays throughout the day, and the Holy Spirit guides Travis by bringing Bible verses that he has memorized to his mind. 

Abounding with Bible verses, the book chronicles the many trials and tribulations that Travis has in his life. The story draws the reader in, and the characters are engaging. Travis serves as an example, boldly demonstrating how important it is to memorize Scripture and apply it to your life. It encourages and inspires the reader to listen to God’s voice and to obey Him.

Book 2 – A Father’s Love: Justice and Forgiveness

“A Father’s Love: Justice and Forgiveness” continues the story of Travis and his children and grandchildren. This story focuses on Travis’s youngest son, Reid, and his wife Chipeta. Reid gets a job with the Department of Justice and goes undercover in a very dangerous situation. Through it all, Reid relies on God to give him the strength to finish what God wants him to do. He takes comfort and instruction from the many scripture verses that he has memorized. 

As you are reading this fast-paced and thought-provoking book, you will say, “Just one more chapter.” I am looking forward to reading her next book to find out what happens next to Travis and his family whom I have come to care about.

Book 3 – A Father’s Love: Joyous Hope

In this, the third book in the series, Travis’s son Reid, who is a judge, still struggles with pain from his injuries and has trouble walking and climbing steps. He inadvertently walks into the bank in the middle of a robbery and is kidnapped by the bank robbers. Reid’s brothers keep his name out of the papers because if the robbers know who they have kidnapped, they will surely kill him. 

Now begins the search for Reid. Finding him soon is important because of Reid’s physical weakness. Trusting in God to protect him, Reid gets help from an unexpected source. Read the book to learn if Reid gets safely back to his family.

The story takes place in Kansas in the late 1800s with all the adventure and danger of the American frontier. The Britt family’s love for God and for His word shine through with Bible verses seamlessly interwoven into the story. Attention is given to learning to listen for God’s voice speaking to you.

“A Father’s Love: Joyous Hope” is action-packed and will keep you turning pages to find out what happens next. All the books in this series will inspire you to memorize scripture and make God’s word a part of your life. You will desire a closer walk with God. Order your copy of this inspirational novel today.

A Father’s Love: Sacrifice and Service” is the fourth book in this wonderful series about Travis Britt, his children, and grandchildren. A lot is happening in the town of Harris: Four of Travis’s grandsons go to Europe to serve in a medical unit during World War I. There is corruption in the town council. And the 1918 influenza pandemic touches the lives of those in Harris.

As in the other books, scripture is a vital part of the lives of Travis and his family. Their example of quoting God’s word will encourage you to memorize and meditate on Bible verses to use in your prayers and to know God’s direction in your life.

The books in this series should be read in order because the story continues from one book to the next. Here is the order:

1.     A Father’s Love: Faith and Family

2.     A Father’s Love: Justice and Forgiveness

3.     A Father’s Love: Joyous Hope

4.     A Father’s Love: Sacrifice and Service

Don’t be put off by the fact that each of the books is over 300 pages in length. Once you start reading, the characters will become old friends, the action will keep you turning pages, and you will not want the story to end.

The book is well written and has a beautiful ending. Here’s hoping the author will continue the series.

All of these books are inspirational, and the characters are great role models of how to stay close to God. They encourage me to memorize more scripture and to listen for God to speak to me.

Begin the adventure by purchasing the first book A Father’s Love: Faith and Family.

Margaret Sorensen